If you've double-clicked on a file or selected a file and used one of the
view commands, (read, show, play, etc), then you'll end up in this routine.
Basically, it extracts the file to T: and then performs the specified
function on it.
2 lister set handle busy on
3 lister set handle title getcatstr(10,'Extracting from archive...')
4 lister refresh handle full
6 select
7 when arctype = 'LHA' then
8 address command 'LhA e -q -x2 -X -Qo "'patch(arcfile,0)'" T: "'patch(arcsubdir||namestr,1)'"'
9 when arctype = 'LZX' then
10 address command 'LZX e -q -X0 --' lzxkludge(patch(arcfile,0)) 'T:' lzxkludge(patch(arcsubdir||namestr,0))
11 end
13 if rc > 0 then
14 call displayerror(getcatstr(11,'Error while extracting from archive.'))
16 /* some creative ARexx programming :-) */
17 address command 'Run >NIL: <NIL: RX',
18 '"address' portname';',
19 'thisfile = ''T:'namestr''';',
20 'command' event '''""''thisfile''""'';',
21 'command wait protect name ''""''thisfile''""'' set RWED;',
22 'do until ~exists(thisfile) | delete(thisfile);',
23 'call delay(200);',
24 'end"'
26 lister set handle title 'ArcDir:' arcname
27 lister refresh handle full
28 return
1 Sub-routine label.
2 Make the lister busy so the user can't disturb us.
3 Call getcatstr for a message translation if required,
and put it in the lister titlebar.
4 Refresh the lister display using FULL so that the titlebar is also
6 - 11 Using a Select...When conditional block, we extract the file to T:
depending on whether it is an LZX or LhA archive.
13 -14 If there was an error we call the displayerror routine to display
it passing along a translated message text if necessary.
16 - 24 As Edmund says: 'Some creative ARexx programming' :) But all this
block of statements really does is create the following script,
(assuming the file's name is 'foo.bar' and the action was 'Read'):
address 'DOPUS.1'
thisfile = 'T:foo.bar'
command Read "T:foo.bar"
command wait protect name "T:foo.bar" set RWED
do until ~exists("T:foo.bar") | delete("T:foo.bar")
call delay(200)
And what it does is call the action upon the file in T:, set it's
protection bits to RWED, then loop around until either the file no longer
exists or the file was successfully deleted.
26 - 27 Set the lister titlebar back to it's usual display of the archive
name and refresh it so that the lister titlebar is updated.
28 Back to where we came from.