Viewing a file

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  If you've double-clicked on a file or selected a file and used one of the 
view commands, (read, show, play, etc), then you'll end up in this routine. 
  Basically, it extracts the file to T: and then performs the specified 
function on it. 
  2  lister set handle busy on 
  3  lister set handle title getcatstr(10,'Extracting from archive...') 
  4  lister refresh handle full 
  6  select 
  7    when arctype = 'LHA' then 
  8      address command 'LhA e -q -x2 -X -Qo "'patch(arcfile,0)'" T: "'patch(arcsubdir||namestr,1)'"' 
  9    when arctype = 'LZX' then 
 10      address command 'LZX e -q -X0 --' lzxkludge(patch(arcfile,0)) 'T:' lzxkludge(patch(arcsubdir||namestr,0)) 
 11    end 
 13  if rc > 0 then 
 14    call displayerror(getcatstr(11,'Error while extracting from archive.')) 
 16  /* some creative ARexx programming :-) */ 
 17  address command 'Run >NIL: <NIL: RX', 
 18    '"address' portname';', 
 19    'thisfile = ''T:'namestr''';', 
 20    'command' event '''""''thisfile''""'';', 
 21    'command wait protect name ''""''thisfile''""'' set RWED;', 
 22    'do until ~exists(thisfile) | delete(thisfile);', 
 23      'call delay(200);', 
 24      'end"' 
 26  lister set handle title 'ArcDir:' arcname 
 27  lister refresh handle full 
 28  return 
 1      Sub-routine label. 
 2      Make the lister busy so the user can't disturb us. 
 3      Call  getcatstr  for a message translation if required, 
        and put it in the lister titlebar. 
 4      Refresh the lister display using FULL so that the titlebar is also 
 6 - 11 Using a Select...When conditional block, we extract the file to T: 
        depending on whether it is an LZX or LhA archive. 
13 -14  If there was an error we call the  displayerror  routine to display 
        it passing along a translated message text if necessary. 
16 - 24 As Edmund says: 'Some creative ARexx programming' :)  But all this 
        block of statements really does is create the following script, 
        (assuming the file's name is '' and the action was 'Read'): 
        address 'DOPUS.1' 
        thisfile = '' 
        command Read "" 
        command wait protect name "" set RWED 
        do until ~exists("") | delete("") 
          call delay(200) 
  And what it does is call the action upon the file in T:, set it's 
protection bits to RWED, then loop around until either the file no longer 
exists or the file was successfully deleted. 
26 - 27 Set the lister titlebar back to it's usual display of the archive 
        name and refresh it so that the lister titlebar is updated. 
28      Back to where we came from. 

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